While there are a lot of smokers out in the world, there are some of them that actively try to find methods of “reducing” the amount of harmful residue that they expel. There are those that try to quit the habit altogether but this is not easy to do. Smoking is a habit that often leads to nicotine addiction which the body will crave when it is no longer present.
In their quest to find newer ways to cut back on harmful fumes but still get the nicotine fix, technology has introduced them to a seemingly safe method: e-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes. Instead of the tobacco, butts, and paper, smoking has seemingly embraced the new century. In its wake, a social activity called vaping has developed.
What is Vaping?
This is the activity that has resulted from the concept of the electronic cigarette. One of the biggest appeals of the e-cig is the fact that there are now different flavors that could be tried. The puff of smoke that results from e-cigarettes are often bigger and depending on the flavor the smell of the cloud of smoke will be different from the normal smell you get when smoking.
When e-cigs and vaping became popular, more and more people thought that this was entirely safe. Here are a few dangers of vaping that we feel you should be made aware of:
Liquid Nicotine Poisoning
Since the creation of e-cigs, there have been more calls toward the US poison control centers about the accidental and deliberate ingestion of liquid nicotine. In a lot of cases, it is young children that end up ingesting or being exposed to liquid nicotine poisoning.
Battery Related Malfunctions
If you’ve heard of or seen videos of sudden explosions caused by e-cigarettes, you would know that this threat is real. With the sudden popularity of e-cigs it was only natural that there would be industries that would want some of that lucrative pie. What has happened is that in the attempt to corner the market and obtain profit, substandard e-cigs are being produced.
When the product is substandard, they have been known to explode.
Always Remember
Smoking whether in its traditional form or in its more modern e-cig form comes with its own sets of risks. While we believe that there should be a compromise in helping smokers who are actively trying to limit their contribution toward unhealthy public spaces, there should be significantly more study going into the risks and dangers of vaping.
What dangers of vaping are you aware of?